"Reaching Out and Reaching Others for Christ through Worship, Training, Fellowship, Evangelism, and Ministry"
Interim Pastor: John Barnhardt
Sunday School 9:45 am - For all ages
Worship 11:00 am - Worship in the Sanctuary
Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm - Bible Study in the Sanctuary
Mission Level Organizations - Mission Friends - GA's - RA's - Challengers, Acteens meet in classrooms at 7pm on Wednesday
Mission Organizations - Brotherhood - Bible Study Group
A.C.T.S. meet 7 pm first Wednesday night of the month
March 30 6:00 pm
"The Move"
A Night of Worship
Guest Speaker Lawson Wilks
Everyone Welcome
Youth Sunday
April 6, 11 am Guest Speaker
Clover Choir
Sunday April 6, 6pm
Whitnel Baptist Church
Monday April 7, 7pm
Union Grove Baptist Church
Spring Revival
Pancake Breakfast and Egg Hunt
Good Friday 8am - 10am

March 23
"THE MOVE" Youth Rally

April 18 8am-10am

Clover Baptist VBS
Sunday July 13 Friday July 18 2025
Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3

Acteens and GA's will be collecting items throughout the year for Operation Christmas Child. Each month focus'on a theme.
March....Hygiene Theme....Combs, Brushes, Mild Soap, Wash Cloths, Dental Floss, Lip Balm, Small Packs of Tissues
Our Mission is to reach out and reach others for Christ through worship, training, fellowship and evangelism and ministry. We hope this website will help answer any questions you might have about what God is doing at Clover. It is truly an exciting fellowship to be a part of! So come feel the warmth and excitement of our fellowship. You will be accepted, loved and encouraged at Clover. If you are looking for a church where you can grow in love for the Lord and friendship with others. we hope your search will end with Clover Baptist Church.
